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NGI Plus
In January 2021 Kinetic Network launched a new initiative called Next Generation Impartation Plus
This builds on the success of our full-time course which is run in partnership with a number of local churches
Our vision is to impart the message and experience of transformation through the Spirit and Word to a younger generation in the areas of the Bible, doctrine, history, mission, leadership and character.
NGI Plus is an online opportunity for us to support you in developing the next generation of leaders. Please encourage those in your churches whom it will benefit.
It will run monthly on Zoom each third Sunday evening (17th Jan, 21st Feb, 21st March, 18th April, 20th June 2021) with worship, prayer, ministry, presentations and discussion.
Suitable for anyone with a heart for God, a willingness to learn and a servant attitude.
Attendance is by application with approval from a church leader. Do use the form attached to register those wanting to attend.
There is no charge, but voluntary donations of £10 are welcome.
Any queries please contact Will Loescher on 07925839132 or
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